Saturday, June 22, 2013

In learning how families work together the most important thing for me is communication between parents and siblings in the own home because if there is hardly any talking in the family circle then there is a determination of dangers in the home of someone being abused and it could hurt the whole family if you don't talk about it as a family. In further studies I have seen that no communication with family will destroy or have no relationship at all because no one knows each other well enough Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, and Emotionally these are what keeps a family running together and helps get through hard times in life when they hit. For example, Hurricanes, Tornados, Earthquakes, and family deaths that may occur at some point or time in our human lives. We are not perfect human beings we strive to be but it takes effort and careful decision making on our part to be apart of this life of being a happy family. There is nothing wrong by making mistakes that is when we learn the most about ourselves and our family members and friends. We need to support one another and not judge so harshly for what the person did, but love the sinner, hate the sin.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Scott,
    Great job I really like that you discussed that there is nothing wrong with making a mistake. This reminds me of a quote that needing the atonement doesn't make us a bad person but makes us human! Which model do you prefer? The ABC=X model? Or the double ABC=X model?

    Maddison Dillon
